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Power User
Utoljára online

MultiPack Visual C++ Installer 3.3
File Size : 95 Mb

MultiPack Visual C++ Installer is designed to install all of the Microsoft Visual C++ end-user runtimes simply.The author came up with this pack after seeing all of the confusing packs available and decided to bundle them all into one easy to use installer. If you just want to fix a problem with an app or game not running due to the missing Visual C+, then this pack is the simplest way to fix the problem.

MultiPack Visual C++ Installer does not have installer or uninstallers, and there's no guesswork. Run the executable, and all the possible needed Visual C++ runtimes will be installed.

Currently, the MultiPack Visual C++ Installer has only been tested on Windows 10.

If you're sick of trying to find the right pack or a bit lost trying to pick a Visual C++ runtime package, then MultiPack Visual C++ Installer should have you up and running in minutes.

Installer bundle includes all the newest VC++ 2005 - 2022 Packages
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (x86 only) 8.0.61001
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (x86/x64) 9.0.30729.6161
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x86/x64) 10.0.40219.473
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 (x86/x64) 11.0.61030.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 (x86/x64) 12.0.40664.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 (x86/x64) 14.30.30704.0

MultiPack Visual C++ Installer has only been tested on Windows 10.



Linkeket csak regisztrált tagok láthatják!  Bejelentkezés :::  Regisztráció



Linkeket csak regisztrált tagok láthatják!  Bejelentkezés :::  Regisztráció


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