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Wavesequencer Hyperion 1.46


Power User


Wavesequencer Hyperion 1.46 | Size: 82.38 MB
Language: English

An unlimited sound design playground inspired by 80's legends such as Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre and Brian Eno, Hyperion is a contemporary digital modular masterpiece.

Deeply Capable Yet Instantly Approachable
Hyperion synth has been designed from the outset with sonic flexibility in mind whilst keeping modular patching approachable and easy to follow.

Efficient processing enables up to 10 layers of complex sound patches which can be affected in unison by macro controls, but which can also send modulation data and aux buss audio between each other.

The ability to quickly layer and split polyphonic modular patches using a wide variety of synthesis methods and with individual chord, arpeggiation and bus effects per layer is an instant source of musical inspiration for music producers of all genres.

Multi-layer sound designs can be saved and recalled as "combi" patches.
Patch browsing with categories and author filters as well as quick folder switching enables fast retrieval of sounds.

Whats New
Bug fix only build - updates to echo processing intialisation to avoid a potential wrongly initialised state.

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