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Watchdog Anti-Virus 1.6.247


Power User


Watchdog Anti-Virus 1.6.247 | Size: 17.07 MB
Language: English

Real-time protection is one of the best cyber defenses you can implement for your device and network. Watchdog Antivirus compares any potential threats against a database of known malware such as viruses and Trojans and stops them in their tracks before they can cause harm.

Efficient protection by advanced engine against all types of cyber threats
Stops exploit to take over your computer
Protects with real-time protection module
Advanced phishing detection of your documents
Always up to date with the Offline Scanner
Extra protection with Cloud Scanner

Prevention is better than a cure
Real-time protection is one of the best cyber defenses you can implement for your device and network. Watchdog Antivirus compares any potential threats against a database of known malware such as viruses and Trojans and stops them in their tracks before they can cause harm.

Cloud Scanner
Watchdog Antivirus stores information about virus variants in the cloud rather than on your device to not slow down your PC. Our cloud-based antivirus software protects you by interacting with a threat database stored not on your computer but in the cloud.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció
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