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VovSoft Open Multiple Files 3.2.0


Power User


VovSoft Open Multiple Files 3.2.0 | Size: 6.26 MB
Language: English

Working with multiple files, folders, apps or URLs at the same time can result in hectic situations, especially when trying to launch or open several instances at a time. Carried out manually, this process can be at least tiresome, not to mention inefficient. Open Multiple Files is an app which was developed for helping users cope with such issues and allow them to open multiple files or folders simultaneously.

Adding files or folders is a breeze and users can do so by either resorting to the dedicated menu, buttons or by dragging-and-dropping the preferred files. Once files or folders have been added, these will appear listed in the app's main viewing area, which could have benefited from the addition of a detailed-type listing, for better identification. Besides the files or folders, the app can also receive URLs as input, as well as executable files, this way providing users a broader usage palette. Running the main featurthe multi-file opener will quickly launch all the added content, simultaneously, in the inserted order.

A great feature is the ability to save the added content as a text listing, which can be opened at any time. This not only improves overall efficiency but also offers people the ability to manage their multi-file sessions better. It also adds shortcut to SendTo folder, user can right-click files and folders from the context menu.

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A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció

A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció
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