• - A programokat kötelező ellátni prefix-szel.
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    -Ha megszűnik a képet tartalmazó tárhely, ahonnan be lett linkelve, pótlási felszólítást küldünk.
    -A linkeket code tag # közé kell rakni és sima text formában, nem rákattintható linkként.
    -Tiltos olyan tárhelyről linkelés ahol a letöltéshez regisztráció szükséges!

VovSoft JSON Beautifier 1.3


Power User
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VovSoft JSON Beautifier 1.3
File Size: 2.4 MB

Vovsoft JSON Beautifier is an easy to use JSON viewer and JSON formatter software for your desktop or laptop computer. Opening a JSON file with a text editor usually reveals a text that is practically impossible to read and comprehend. Vovsoft JSON Beautifier provides a way to make the text inside JSON files readable.

Offline JSON viewer
There are many online websites that can pretty print JSON files. However they have upload limitations. The best part of the program is that the conversion is done completely offline. You are the only controller of your private data. No JSON file is sent to internet in any case.

This software is a simple yet handy JSON code viewer application for Windows that allows you to work with JSON files much easier. You will be able to read the contents of your JSON files with ease.

Convert JSON to human-readable text
With the click of a button, you can convert any JSON file to human-readable text. You can easily load a JSON file from your computer, the program will allow you to preview the text.

Minimize JSON file
Additionally, the application comes with an option that allows you to minimize the JSON file. If you need to minimize any JSON file, all you need to do is hit the "Compact" button. The application will minimize the file size, sacrificing the readability of the text.

How to beautify JSON
You can use this JSON reader in order to beautify file contents (tree view of JSON data). It works as JSON pretty print software. With just a click, you can turn the text into a readable form, as the software can format it based on the curly brackets it contains.


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