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Vladovsoft Sklad Plus 14.0 Multilingual




File size: 3.73 MB

Vladovsoft Sklad is an easy to use warehouse management software. It helps you keep track of your products and customers, simplifies the process of making deliveries, sales and invoices and makes the management and control of your warehouse/shop easier than ever.

Number of products, deliveries and sales
Option to set photos for the products
Support for barcode readers and scanners
Deliveries and sales forms
Large number of predefined reports
Powerful report generator
Export of tables and reports as interactive web pages (in HTML format) and to XML
Automatic calculation of weighted average prices after delivery of products
Print preview, printer selection and printing of tables, forms, invoices and reports
Network support using the client-server technology
Daily database backup
English, Russian, Bulgarian, Georgian and Arabic translations of the user interface
Web reports: upload data and make reports from any device with Internet access
Module: Production - lets you create composite products
Module: Till - tracks the money in the till and any additional incomes and expenses
Module: Profit and Loss - charts and tables that show profits and losses
Number of products and services - unlimited
Number of databases on a single PC - 10
Monitoring of deferred payments
Operators with different user rights
Custom title and company logo when printing deliveries, sales and invoices
Import and export of data from Access and Excel
Export to PDF of all documents and reports from the print preview window
Generation of electronic invoices (e-invoices) in PDF format
Module: Invoices
Module: Inspections
Module: Statistics

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