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UVI Soundbank Mission 6 v1.0.0


Power User


UVI Soundbank Mission 6 v1.0.0 | Size: 11.14 GB
Language: English

Analog Polysynth Revival Incredible sonic range defies typical poly analog limitations Deep multi-sampling delivers the authentic hardware sound Explore hundreds of hand-crafted presets and create your own.

True Synthesizer Innovation
An epic instrument both in design and capability, this machine is an audacious synthesizer that seemingly came out of nowhere in 2000. A play on the word "ASICs", this beast took the world by surprise and redefined the capabilities of the analog polysynth, with 16 dual-osc, dual-filter voices using custom ICs, and 16 multitimbral parts.

An Analog Dream Machine
Capable of both cross and ring modulation, and loaded with both SEM and Ladder-style filters per-voice, numerous LFOs, highly-flexible envelopes, a powerful mod matrix, built-in effects, and generous hands-on control, this synthesizer is a sound designers dream, and to this day a potent, massively capable instrument that feels well ahead of its time.

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