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Tone Empire RES-Q v1.0.1 U2B macOS


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Tone Empire RES-Q v1.0.1 U2B macOS
MORiA | AU | VST | VST3 | 67.4 MB​
Introducing RES-Q The Classic British And American Style Equalizer.

An EQ plugin that combines classic inspirations into a modern powerhouse tool. ResQ integrates the smooth and robust shelving curves typical of iconic British equalizers with the precise, surgical mids of their American counterparts. The plugin boasts a versatile four-mode preamp section, capturing the essence of classic transformer and op amp designs, as well as both triode and pentode tube models. These modes enable rich, harmonic saturation that can either subtly enhance or significantly color your audio. Designed with musical frequency selections in mind, ResQ ensures that every adjustment is musically coherent, allowing instruments to seamlessly blend or stand out in a mix.

What does it do ?
  • The plugin boasts a versatile four-mode preamp section, capturing the essence of classic transformer and op-amp designs, as well as both triode and pentode tube models.
  • These modes enable rich, harmonic saturation that can either subtly enhance or significantly color your audio.
  • Designed with musical frequency selections in mind, ResQ ensures that every adjustment is musically coherent, allowing instruments to seamlessly blend or stand out in a mix.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
macOS 10.13 or higher


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