• - A programokat kötelező ellátni prefix-szel.
    -Kötelező képet, borítót kirakni a tartalomról, ellenkező esetben törölni fogjuk.
    -Ha megszűnik a képet tartalmazó tárhely, ahonnan be lett linkelve, pótlási felszólítást küldünk.
    -A linkeket code tag # közé kell rakni és sima text formában, nem rákattintható linkként.
    -Tiltos olyan tárhelyről linkelés ahol a letöltéshez regisztráció szükséges!

Source Insight 4.00.0132


Power User


Source Insight 4.00.0132 | Size: 20.43 MB
Language: English

Need to Understand Code? Source Insight is a powerful project-oriented programming editor, code browser, and analyzer that helps you understand code, while you work and plan. Source Insight has built-in dynamic analysis for C/C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, and more.

Understand Code
Learn an existing code base quickly, and get up to speed on new projects. Evaluate the costs of potential changes by seeing where functions and objects are used. See class inheritance and function call trees.

Quickly Navigate
Source Insight parses your whole project and let's you navigate and edit code like a breeze, while showing you information automatically. Jump easily to callers of functions or references to variables.

See where functions and variables are used. Source Insight automatically shows references to functions, variables, classes, and moralmost instantly. Search across your project using advanced search features.

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Code Analysis
Source Insight has built-in dynamic analysis for C/C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, and more.

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Powerful Editing
Use powerful editing features, including code snippets, symbolic auto-completion, and smart-rename.

Syntax Formatting
See live references to variables and other declarations with Syntax Formatting. Identifiers are formatted based on their declaration, scope, and usage.

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