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SoftColor Automata Pro 1.18.2304


Power User

SoftColor Automata Pro 1.18.2304
File Size: 64.4 MB

SoftColor Automata is a workflow automation software for advanced color correction, image editing and color management. Automata works independently on the background and can work with multiple simultaneously workflows. Automata can have unlimited number of different workflows and it has support for file logistics operations. It loads automatically new and changed image files from the input folder and after processing it saves images to the output folder.

Automata's automatic color correction algorithm corrects color balance, exposure and contrast problems from original image in single step. White balance, exposure and contrast adjustments are processed as separate layers. Automata has support for standard ICC profile based color management.

Automata has tools and filters for resizing, cropping, rotating, straightening, sharping and de- noising the original image. Image editing tools and filters can be used together with color correction or separately.

Automata uses nondestructive layer based processing for color and image adjustments. This gives to you a full control to tune automatic correction adjustments.

You can also chain Automata's workflows to work together


A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció


A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció
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