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SAPIEN PrimalSQL 2024 4.5.87 (x64)




File size: 65.1 MB

Using PrimalSQL, you can connect to any database: from Microsoft SQL Server, to Oracle, to Microsoft Access, to PostgreSQL or even to MySQL. PrimalSQL can be used to build rich and complex queries. From within the application, you can test and refine queries, export results, or generate code snippets in a variety of languages. Its modern, streamlined interface makes PrimalSQL easy to understand and use.

From simple select statements to complicated outer joins, from just checking if a connection works to editing stored procedures and live data, PrimalSQL has all the tools you need every day to create efficient SQL statements quickly and effortlessly. PrimalSQL also provides access to shared database connections with PowerShell Studio, along with the ability to export PowerShell scripts, PowerShell GUI scripts, and VBScripts. The application is useful for anyone who needs to work with databases, from a Windows administrator with modest scripting requirements to an enterprise-level DBA.

Supports multiple database providers from a single tool.
Access, SQL Server, SQL Server Compact, MySQL, Oracle, ODBC, OLEDB, Sybase and more.
Build complex queries with the Visual Query Builder.
Use the Database Browser to explore the different connections.
Generate query scripts for Windows PowerShell and VBScript.
Generate Windows PowerShell GUI scripts from custom queries.
Format query strings for PowerShell, VBScript, C++ and HTML.
Export query results to HTML, XML, CSV or Text.
Edit Stored Procedures and Views.

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A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció

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