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Psychic Modulation VectoMelt 2.0




Win/MacOS | File size: 11 MB

VectoMelt2 is a multi-FX modulation plugin that brings your sounds to life with tonal texture, spatial drifting, and ethereal atmosphere. A dub-friendly environment for sonic exploration, VectoMelt2 uses an XY Vector for controlling Melt Modulation. The vector can be set on auto-pilot for pitch glitches, resonant blips and filter swirls. The onboard effects provide lush choruses, filter sweeping and washed out echoes. Add in some LoFi vibe with a dedicated knob that gives you just the right amount of satisfying crunch.

XY modulation vector.
Wow and Flutter: Analog-style drifting, instability and random fluctuations that are mixed at two different speeds using the X axis.
Multiple targets for modulation include: Pitch, Amp, Phltr and Echo; Y axis controls the overall mod depth.
AutoMod: A modulator for the XY pad made up of Orbit (to circle the XY point), and Jump (to jump out of orbit sporadically).
Multi-FX include
Chorus: A lush chorus with multi-voice stereo spread.
Phltr: A unique filter with phaser like qualities.
Echo: A dub-style delay unit.
Lo-Fi: A single control for band-splitting saturation.
Sub Presets for each FX section.
Randomization controls for each FX section.
Custom GUI scaling.
Intuitive patch management system.
Several presets to get you started.

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