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NovoNotes HPL Processor Ultimate v3.0.0


Power User


NovoNotes HPL Processor Ultimate v3.0.0 | Size: 51.34 MB
Language: English

HPL®︎ is a professional binaural conversion technology researched and developed in Japan.
We pushed the boundaries of "binaural for music" to see just how far we could go. The result? Minimal sound quality changes, minimal phase problems, and uniform panning in all directions.

The resultant sound quality is so highly rated, it's featured in the production of high-quality high-resolution sound sources and the mix of numerous award-winning works.

Choose your perfect fit.
HPL Processor offers two editions: Lite and Standard, which can be selected based on your intended use. The only difference between the two editions is the number of input/output channels. Even with Lite edition, you can enjoy the same high-quality sound as the Standard edition.

The Lite edition has a functional limitation that allows only up to 2 channels of input, making it suitable mainly for monitoring stereo audio sources with headphones. The Ultimate edition is the unrestricted edition that supports input of up to 22.2 channels. Please note that to use the multi-channel functionality, your DAW must support multi-channel tracks.

Whats new in this version
August 5, 2023
This is the first release of HPL Processor. From the next version, updates will be listed.

System Requirements
10.15 or higher

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