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Microsoft .NET for MacOS Download (Latest 2024)


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Microsoft .NET for MacOS Download (Latest 2024)

Free download Microsoft .NET for MacOS Latest offlien Installer - A framework for building modern apps & cloud services.
Free Download Microsoft .NET SDK latest standalone offline installer for macOS. It is a powerful and open-source platform for building desktop applications on macOS using the .NET framework.

Overview of Microsoft .NET for macOS​

Developers are able to create a wide range of applications, including desktop, web, and mobile applications, using this flexible and strong development platform. You can use it to run desktop Windows apps that are already installed. This includes the .NET Runtime; you need not install it separately.

Features of Microsoft .NET for macOS​

Fast and cross-platform​

.NET performs faster than any other popular framework, according to TechEmpower. You can write, run, and build on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Development tools and IDE support​

Developers using .NET Runtime for macOS can benefit from a rich set of tools and integrated development environment (IDE) support. Microsoft provides Visual Studio for macOS, a powerful IDE with a suite of features tailored explicitly for .NET development. This IDE offers advanced debugging capabilities, code navigation, code refactoring, and other productivity-enhancing tools.

Extensive class library​

.NET Runtime has an extensive class library that provides a wide range of pre-built functionality and APIs. Developers can use this library to accelerate development and reduce the time required to build desktop applications. The class library supports various tasks such as file operations, networking, data access, etc.

Technical Details and System Requirements​

  • Language Support: The runtime supports multiple programming languages, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic.
  • macOS (Intel/Apple Silicon)
  • Included runtimes: .NET Runtime, ASP.NET Core Runtime, .NET Desktop Runtime

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