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Microgate MiSpeaker Multilingual


Power User


Microgate MiSpeaker Multilingual | Size: 161.42 MB
Language: English

MiSpeaker is a professional software created for the management of various sport disciplines (winter sports, show jumping, swimming, N/A). It allows dynamic real-time viewing on PC of running time, best time, time to beat, rankings, start lists, disqualified competitors, N/A

As well as dynamic viewing of race data and the possibility of modifying them in real time, the main features of MiSpeaker are
Simplicity of use - the immediate user interface and smart-help mode make it quick to learn to use
Customization - every part of the software can be configured to suit the user's requirements
Compatibility - MiSpeaker is compatible not only with Microgate stopwatches but also with Alge and DigiTech products
Immediacy - displayboards can be rapidly and simply managed directly by MiSpeaker
Connectivity - MiSpeaker makes it possible to connect up to 4 different stopwatches to the PC for management of a single race, also remotely via modem or internet if it is not possible to connect one or more stopwatches to the computer with cables
Multi-functionality -MiSpeaker makes it possible to view special windows designed specifically to enable juries and commentators to consult all the race data in real time
Versatility - MiSpeaker allows rapid data import and export in other formats (Excel, CSV, DBF, Matrix, N/A) and automatic calculation of race scoring for international competitions

Formats supported
import of competitors: Excel, testo e CSV, DBF
export of competitors: Excel, testo, CSV, DBF
export of competition dаta: Excel, testo e CSV

Whats New
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció
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