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IDA 9.0.240925 Pro MacOS


Reakció pontszám

File size: 943 MB​

IDA Pro is an interactive disassembler that is widely used for reverse engineering. It is extremely flexible, has a built-in command language, and supports many executable file formats for a large number of processors and operating systems.

Disassemble almost anything.
IDA Disassembler stands out for its unparalleled support of a wide variety of processors and file formats. This exceptional versatility makes it the go-to choice. Whether you're analyzing embedded systems, mobile applications, or complex multi-platform software, IDA Pro's comprehensive compatibility ensures you have the best tools at your disposal for any task.

Effortless, high-quality disassembler output.
Automatically obtain a high-quality output, without using IDA's disassembly manipulation features, e.g. high-level structure definition, naming, typing, commenting, etc...

High-quality, readable, and maintainable pseudocode.
IDA decompilers focus on delivering code that is readable, maintainable, and semantically similar to the original source code thanks to high-level abstractions, semantic preservation, readability, type inference, structure recovery and more.

Metadata about well-known functions. At your fingertips.
The Public Lumina server, maintained by Hex-Rays, tracks metadata for well-known functions, such as names, or operand types. Your IDA instance exchanges only hash values and metadata with the Public Lumina server, avoiding the transfer of sensitive byte patterns through the network. If you prefer to keep control over your metadata, enable our Private Lumina add-on to use your own self-hosted Lumina server.

Match code patterns to known libraries. Power up your analysis.
We use FLIRT (Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology) to help reverse engineers identify libraries used in a binary. All to boost the readability of generated disassemblies.

Make sense of obfuscated binaries with gooMBA
IDA Pro greatly simplifies the workflow of reverse-engineers dealing with obfuscated binaries, especially those involving Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic (MBA) expressions. The gooMBA plug-in ships with IDA Pro and combines algebraic and program synthesis techniques with smart heuristics for best-in-class deobfuscation performance. It integrates directly into the Hex-Rays decompilers and provides a bridge to an SMT-solver that can prove the correctness of simplifications.

Take advantage of dynamic analysis with the IDA debugger ⏎
IDA is not only a disassembler but also a versatile debugger. In addition to assisting in error detection and correction within other programs, it supports multiple debugging targets and can handle remote applications.

Discover our 200+ community plugins. We're waiting for yours.
If you push to the limit of IDA, you can extend beyond. Develop your own IDA plugin or use the community-crafted ones from our open repository. We cherish the innovative spirit of our user community and hold an annual plugin contest.

Automate your analysis. Add your own features. Create your own applications.
IDA Pro comes with a set of tools to enrich your developer experience
  • IDA C++ SDK enables you to develop your own GUI features and much more.
  • IDAPython API helps you create your automation scripts, plug-ins, and more.
  • IDA T makes it possible to run IDA functions from the command line.
  • idalib allows you to run IDA Pro as a library in headless mode.
  • If you opt for the IDA Pro OEM license, you can also use idalib to create derivative works, like embedding idalib into your commercial off-the-shelf software or creating your server applications.

🌟 System requirements
macOS Catalina or later (x64 or ARM64).

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License: full_version
Author: Hex-Rays
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⭐IDA 9.0.240925 Pro MacOS ✅ (943.94 MB)
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