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How do I convert EDB files to PST?


Reakció pontszám
Users convert their EDB files to PST because it helps them access their Exchange Server mailboxes even when the server is down or inaccessible. PST files can be opened easily in Outlook, which makes it convenient for backup, sharing, or moving data to a different system. Users also convert EDB to PST to avoid corruption issues and to reduce the size of the Exchange database.

Manually converting EDB to PST can be done through Exchange Admin Center or using PowerShell commands, but these methods are complex and time-consuming. Using the Shoviv EDB to PST Converter tool is much easier and safer. The tool allows users to convert multiple EDB files at once and can recover corrupted EDB files as well. It can also export EDB files to Office 365 and live Exchange Server. The software supports all versions of Exchange and Outlook and has a free trial version where users can convert up to 50 items per folder.

Read more: https://www.shoviv.com/convert-edb-to-pst.html
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