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HDRsoft Photomatix Pro 6.0.2


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HDRsoft Photomatix Pro 6.0.2 | 30.5 Mb

Photomatix Pro merges photographs taken at varying exposure levels into a single HDR image that reveals both highlight and shadow details, with options for automatically aligning hand-held photographs, removing ghosts, and reducing noise and chromatic aberrations. Merged images can then be adjusted by a range of options and settings to get the look that users want -- from natural-looking results using exposure fusion to painterly, surreal or ultra-realistic images using the tone mapping mode.

With the help of the Photomatix tools, you can eliminate dark and bright areas of the image, preserving details, eliminating noise, enhancing detail, adjusting color temperature, color saturation and other parameters. Photomatix Pro contains tools for batch image processing.

Having made several pictures from the same point, preferably with a tripod, but with different shutter speeds, you can combine these photos into a high-dynamic image (HDR) image and get the ability to control the light and dark areas of the image and thus get the perfect photo. You can create a HDR image using the program. Photomatix Pro will select the best image parameters and reduce the amount of noise, if you do not like the result, you can manually configure the parameters you need.

-Generates HDR images from various graphic files
-Conversion of one RAW file to a pseudo-HDR image
-The tone mapping tool for outputting light and shadow details in HDR image
-The HDR viewer, which displays the local HDR image data in the corresponding exposure
-Display HDR histogram
-Function for tone mapping of large HDR image files
-Radiance RGBE (.hdr), OpenEXR (.exr) and Floating Point TIFF read and write support.
-Use of four algorithms for mixing exposure
-Apparation of automatic alignment for images using two methods of alignment
-Available preview and magnifier for all methods of blending exposure
-Automatic batch image processing
-Support JPEG, TIFF, Radiance RGBE, OpenEXR, PNG, PSD and RAW files from various cameras

HDRsoft Photomatix Pro 6.0
New Rendering Method for Realistic Look
Tone Balancer is a new Tone Mapping HDR rendering method which is good for realistic-looking results. It is well suited to real estate photographers and natural style landscape photographers who want more realistic style options.

Individual Color Adjustments
A new color adjustment tool, built right into the HDR Rendering panel, allows you to change the hue, saturation and brightness of individual colors in your image, which is particularly useful for fixing color casts.

Brush Tool
Make adjustments to just part of your image using the brush tool. Select the changes to color or brightness that you want, and paint over the area you want to affect. You can also use the brush to blend areas with one of the source photos and select multiple effects for different parts of the image.

For a more realistic look, you can now blend the HDR rendered image with one of the original photos. Change the opacity to get a larger or smaller influence on the end result.

Straightening Tool
Correct the horizon in your image if it's not level, or when vertical things like walls or buildings don't look vertical. The tool is part of the Finishing Touch palette.

More Intuitive Workflow
Whether you are working with a single image, or a bracketed set of photos, a more intuitive workflow makes it easier to load and choose images and proceed through to editing.



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