• - A programokat kötelező ellátni prefix-szel.
    -Kötelező képet, borítót kirakni a tartalomról, ellenkező esetben törölni fogjuk.
    -Ha megszűnik a képet tartalmazó tárhely, ahonnan be lett linkelve, pótlási felszólítást küldünk.
    -A linkeket code tag # közé kell rakni és sima text formában, nem rákattintható linkként.
    -Tiltos olyan tárhelyről linkelés ahol a letöltéshez regisztráció szükséges!

ExamXML Pro 5.55 Build 1091




File size: 2.83 MB

ExamXML is a powerful and easy to use a visual XML differencing tool for Windows. It was specially developed for comparing and merging XML files in an intelligent manner. It provides best-in-class features that distinguish ExamXML from other XML differencing tools. Unique to ExamXML is its ability to ignore elements that match users' defined condition. In addition to the usual textual comparison, ExamXML adds ability to compare numbers in numeric format and dates in date / time formats.

ExamXML displays XML documents in a tree view, highlighting differences down to the level of elements, words or attributes, so that you can view exactly which attributes and elements have been added, modified or deleted. Red color means that the element has been removed, green means that the element has been changed.

Visual displays XML documents in an interactive XML TreeView
Easy navigation through the differences
Validates XML documents against DTD/XML Schema
Extensive comparison options, for ignoring capitalization, white space, elements order
Normalization of dates and numeric fields
Saves the differences and/or similarities to output XML file
Advanced ignoring XML elements
Smart comparison using Key elements or Key attributes
Imports from Excel (CSV) and Export to Excel (CSV)
Imports database content from SQL servers to XML format
Displays only different elements
Drag and drop support
Command line operation

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A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció

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