• - A programokat kötelező ellátni prefix-szel.
    -Kötelező képet, borítót kirakni a tartalomról, ellenkező esetben törölni fogjuk.
    -Ha megszűnik a képet tartalmazó tárhely, ahonnan be lett linkelve, pótlási felszólítást küldünk.
    -A linkeket code tag # közé kell rakni és sima text formában, nem rákattintható linkként.
    -Tiltos olyan tárhelyről linkelés ahol a letöltéshez regisztráció szükséges!

Domain Hunter Gather Pro 3.0.18


Power User


Domain Hunter Gather Pro 3.0.18 | Size: 7.91 MB
Language: English

Aged Domains have long been considered one of the most powerful methods for ranking highly for your desired keywords. This is because of the history of content and backlinks.

A new domain will have no history which can be ok in some situations but if you could get higher rankings and more traffic much sooner that would be more desirable. Therefore, domains being sold at auction can fetch hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Webmasters will spend days and weeks trying to get the type of backlinks that an aged domain could have.

Your options for getting the best aged domains are to either buy them at auction or to find expired domains for yourself. In both cases Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro will make the process much simpler and far quicker allowing you a much better choice of domains to use than any other method.

Whats New
Improved: Start up speed for large domain list checking much improved
Improved: Auto output for domain list checking

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