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Boris FX SynthEyes Pro 2024.1.1058


Power User


Boris FX SynthEyes Pro 2024.1.1058 | Size: 194.91 MB
Language: English

Helping VFX artists since 2003, SynthEyes™ is a standalone application optimized for camera, object, geometry, planar tracking, and much more. Discover real tracking power and performance with complete control over tracking and solving, blazing-fast performance, a huge feature list, and exports to many applications.

  • Incredibly fast tracking and solving saves time, even on shots with thousands of frames.
  • Professional tracking means complete control over tracking and solving
  • Full lens distortion analysis, including radial-4th and anamorphic-6th with corresponding distortion nodes in major compositing applications
  • Exports to an extensive list of industry-leading 3D and compositing applications

What's New in SynthEyes 2024
  • Updated Maya ASCII exporting with embedded meshes, work-area controls, distortion projection screens, Arnold, or native renderers
  • Official release of the "TDE4 Data File Export" to 3D Equalizer with included Python script
  • New "Lens/Grid Calibration Setup" script: Solve lens grid distortions using any lens model
  • Nuke and Fusion exporter upgrades for zero-pass workflows
  • New Vertex Cache Control Panel with new frame# offset control to time-shift the vertex cache
  • New "Mesh/Alembic Single Mesh" exporter which exports a single (typically deforming) mesh in alembic format to use as a vertex cache in other apps
  • Updated to Boris FX "SynthEyes 2024" with updated licensing and UI elements

System Requirements
Windows 10 or later (64-bit)

SynthEyes requires the AVX instruction set. (SynthEyes may notify you about this at startup.) Check Microsoft's cpuinfo64 tool for a plethora of information. SynthEyes uses AVX for performance not possible with old CPUs. SynthEyes 1905 can be run on older CPUs.

64-bit Intel version of Windows 10 or 11. Windows 10 version 1903 or later is required for full globalization support. HEVC/h.265 support uses an optional Windows 10 download. Intel or AMD "x64" processor with AVX ("Sandy Bridge" or later or comparable AMD, no Atom-based processors.) See above.

Minimal Requirements
  • Processor: At least 1-GHz Pentium IV
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Disk: At least 1 GB
  • Graphics Card: Must support OpenGL
  • Monitor: Minimum resolution 1200x800 pixels

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