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    -Tiltos olyan tárhelyről linkelés ahol a letöltéshez regisztráció szükséges!

Audified MixChecker Pro v1.3.0


Power User

Audified MixChecker Pro v1.3.0

MOCHA | VST3/AAX | 110.4 MB

Check your reference mixes faster than ever before. Reveal the shortcomings of your mixes with over 60 simulated consumer devices, added background noise, and intuitive UI.

Comfortably True
The smartest tool to reference your mix

Master your craft with
Realistic device simulation
Choose from over 60 true-to-reality models of the world's most used consumer audio devices and check your mix via the represented device.

Time-saver controls
Streamline your workflow using switches for mono monitoring, device distortion, and noise generation. Let the auto-scroll browse through the devices on its own.

Optional background noise
Apply one of 14 distinct and mixable ambient noise simulations, and monitor your track via the optional device-specific distortion and clipping.

Make the most of it
Customize your setup
Save your favorite device collections with specific distortion and volume levels. Adjust the stereo base width, and personalize your plug-in to your liking.

Be free, use the remote
Scroll through the models and features while just walking around! The proprietary Remote Control app is available for Android, iOS or as a web browser page.


A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció


A tartalom megtekintéséhez szükséges: Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció
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