
  1. Compass and GPS tools v26.2.1

    Compass and GPS tools v26.2.1 | 5.47 MB | A user friendly tool for Compass, Speed and GPS accuracy. Use cases • Need a simple and fast way to get direction Ex: East ? • Indoor areas have low GPS satellite reception. Find the areas in your home/office with good location accuracy so that you...
  2. Compass v6.0.2

    Compass v6.0.2 | 21.16 MB | A magnetic compass with magnetic declination correction for best accuracy. A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic North. Geographic North is computed given the magnetic North and the magnetic...
  3. Compass and GPS tools v26.2.0

    Compass and GPS tools v26.2.0 | 5.8 MB | A user friendly tool for Compass, Speed and GPS accuracy. Use cases • Need a simple and fast way to get direction Ex: East ? • Indoor areas have low GPS satellite reception. Find the areas in your home/office with good location accuracy so that you can...
  4. Compass and GPS tools v26.1.9

    Compass and GPS tools v26.1.9 | 5.75 MB | A user friendly tool for Compass, Speed and GPS accuracy. Use cases • Need a simple and fast way to get direction Ex: East ? • Indoor areas have low GPS satellite reception. Find the areas in your home/office with good location accuracy so that you...
  5. GPS Compass Navigator v2.20.19

    GPS Compass Navigator v2.20.19 | 4.9 MB | When you travel, hiking or fishing, save your position like parked car, shelter or hotel, and navigate back following the guiding arrow. Functions • Compass • Save current position or get coordinates from map • Navigate to saved way point • Voice...
  6. Compass and GPS tools v26.1.6

    Compass and GPS tools v26.1.6 | 4.29 MB | A user friendly tool for Compass, Speed and GPS accuracy. Use cases • Need a simple and fast way to get direction Ex: East ? • Indoor areas have low GPS satellite reception. Find the areas in your home/office with good location accuracy so that you...
  7. Compass & Altimeter v3.6.3

    A simple and easy to use Compass to retrieve useful information about your current position. • Free and without Ads • Magnetic & geographic north using magnetic declination • Sunrise & Sunset time • Various skins and color themes (including high contrast) • True altitude above sea level at your...
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