
  1. The Amish of Lancaster County by Donald B Kraybill

    The Amish of Lancaster County by Donald B Kraybill | 12.72 MB English | N/A Pages Title: the Amish of Lancaster County Author: Donald B. Kraybill Year: N/A Description: N/A DOWNLOAD...
  2. A Midwife in Amish Country Celebrating God's Gift of Life by Kim Woodard Oste...

    A Midwife in Amish Country | 256 | Kim Woodard Osterholzer 2018 | Salem Books | 1621577279 "Lyrically written and profoundly told . Kim Woodard Osterholzer's story . embraced me on the first page and held me tight until the very last word."- Leslie Gould, #1 bestselling and Christy-award...
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